Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Bo #4- Milk & Honey?

In Parshat Bo, in Perek Gimmel Pasuk Chet, Seforno explains that when it says ״זבת חלב ודבש״ it is referring to the land having a great amount of cattle, food of good quality, and land of nutrimental properties. What are other ways to interpret the significance of the specific words milk and honey when it says ״זבת חלב ודבש״?

Monday, January 30, 2017

Bo #3- Hard Heart?

In perek yud pasuk aleph it explains how Hashem hardened parohs heart in order so that Bnei recognizes Hashem is here and with them. What does it mean to harden his heart? The Ohr Chaim explains that Hashem wants to prove he is behind all of these miracles. And obviously, when the mitzrim are getting tortured they will eventually give in to letting bnei yisroel go. But then Hashem hardens parohs heart after the makah of barad. And paroh keeps on not allowing to let bnei yisroel go since Hashem hardened his heart. A regular human being would not be able to do this and keep resisting, so clearly Hashem has to be behind this. Give a different approach of why or what does it mean when Hashem hardened parohs heart. 

Bo #2- Let Which People Go?

When moshe asked paraoh once again to 'let my people go' why, after having gone through seven plagues already, did paraoh ask 'which ones are going'? מי ומי ההלכים? 
Chabad.org brings the urin vetumim and says that the gematria of mi vmi haholchim = 216 which is the same number as כלב ובן נון.  Paraoh asking 'which are going' was really saying that it is a waste of time for Moshe to be doing all of this to get Bnei Yiroel into the land of Israel because really the only ones who will survive are calev and ben nun (this is yehuda).  Moshe responded and said "don't worry, also those younger than 20 and older than 60 will survive".

Bo #1- How Humble?

In this weeks parasha, Parashat bo, moshe asks paroh how much longer he will humble himself (exodus 10:3). What does he mean by this? According to Sforno moshe was referring to the fact that he already showed paroh how he was dominant to him and that it was time to give up. Clearly Paroh would not be impressed by all these miracles, but maybe if they drag on Paroh will eventually give into Moshe, and Hashem's, power over him. What else could moshe be referring to?

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Vayigash #3- Doppelganger?

In Parshat Vayigash, perek 44, pasuk 18, Yehuda asks to speak with Yosef and says "For you are like Pharaoh". What does Yehuda mean when he says this to Yosef? Rashi asks this question and seems to think that Yehuda said to Yosef that just as Pharaoh doesn't keep his word or promises, neither does Yosef when he says he wants to "set an eye upon" Binyamin. 
What other explanations are there for why Yehuda says Yosef is just like Pharaoh?

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Vayigash #2- Yosef?

In Parshat Vayigash, Yosef reveals himself to his brothers in Egypt. In Perek 45, Passuk 4, he says to them ״ אני יוסף אחיכם אשר מכרתם אתי מצרימה״
But how did Yosef prove to their brothers that he was really Yosef? Wouldn't they be skeptical, considering they sold him into slavery, and now he is the second in command in Egypt? Rashi asks this question, and provides two answers.

Vayigash #1- Clear the room

In Prashat Vayigash perek 45 pasuk 1 Yosef makes all of the Egyptians in the room leave so he could reveal himself to his bothers. Rashi says the reason he did this was because Yosef could not bear to know that the Egyptians would see his brothers being embarrassed. Why wouldn’t Yosef want to embarrass his brothers after what they did to him? What other reasons could there be for why Yosef does this?