In this week's parsha, Tazria-Metzorah, one of the topics is on tazaraat and people who get tzaraat, called metzorot. There are many things that need to be done in order to purify a metzorah, but one of the things the parsha mentions is that two birds, a cedar stick, and aizov-grass are used to purify the metzorah. What is the purpose/ symbolism of these items, and why are the used here?
The Midrash explains that the main sin that tzaraat was used as a punishment for was lashon hara. Therefore, the birds symbolize that the metzorah acted like a bird, chirping constantly and not watching what they say. Then, one of the two birds is slaughtered, symbolizing that if you speak lashon hara you may cause trouble and death. The other bird is let free, with the purpose to spread the message that if you watch your tongue, you gain life. What other reasons could there be for the two birds, or for the ceder stick and the aizov-grass?