Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tazria/Metzora- Birds, Stick and Grass?

In this week's parsha, Tazria-Metzorah, one of the topics is on tazaraat and people who get tzaraat, called metzorot. There are many things that need to be done in order to purify a metzorah, but one of the things the parsha mentions is that two birds, a cedar stick, and aizov-grass are used to purify the metzorah. What is the purpose/ symbolism of these items, and why are the used here?

The Midrash explains that the main sin that tzaraat was used as a punishment for was lashon hara. Therefore, the birds symbolize that the metzorah acted like a bird, chirping constantly and not watching what they say. Then, one of the two birds is slaughtered, symbolizing that if you speak lashon hara you may cause trouble and death. The other bird is let free, with the purpose to spread the message that if you watch your tongue, you gain life. What other reasons could there be for the two birds, or for the ceder stick and the aizov-grass?

Tazria/Metzora- Outside the Camp

In Perek 13, Pasuk 46 the torah says “כָּל־יְמֵ֞י אֲשֶׁ֨ר הַנֶּ֥גַע בּ֛וֹ יִטְמָ֖א טָמֵ֣א ה֑וּא בָּדָ֣ד יֵשֵׁ֔ב מִח֥וּץ לַֽמַּחֲנֶ֖המוֹשָׁבֽוֹ׃ 
A person with tzarat is required to live outside the camp for as long as he has tzarat. According to Rashi, the reason for this is that by saying lashon hara this person caused a rift between people. Therefore, he also deserves to be separated from the rest of society. Why else might a person with tzar need to live outside the camp?

Tazria/Metzora- Meeting place?

In Parshat Tazria, in Perek Daled פסוק ה׳, it is written: "אל אהל מועד", or "to the tent of meeting". What is so special about this meeting place? Rashi says it is the Mishkan, which had a very holy connection with Hashem. What else could be the place that they were going to meet at? 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Tzav #3- Avoiding Embarrassment

"במקום אשר תשחט העלה תשחט החטאת"
“In the place where the burnt-offering is slaughtered shall the sin-offering be slaughtered.” (6:18

In this weeks parsha we are told how to give certain korbanot. It is commanded that the two korbanot are shechted at the same place. What is the significance of the requirement to shecht them in the same place? Chabad.org says the reason for this is because while one korban is brought for forgiveness from a sin and another is brought as a contribution to the beit hamikdash, the reason for the korbanot being shechted in the same location is to avoid embarassment from outsiders watching the shchitah. No one will know whether the shechita is being preformed for redemption or contribution. 

What are other examples of avoiding embarrassment as seen in this weeks parsha? 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tzav #2- Where was Aharon?

 In  the beginning of the parshah it says, that Hashem  commanded "Aharon and his Sons" when in VaYikrah only Aharon's sons are commanded. Why is this time different? According to the Tosfot HaRash , in VaYikra, Hashem does not command Aharon because He was angry about Aharon's involvement in the eigel. Now Aharon is mentioned because Moshe argued that despite Aharon's mistake he deserves honor because of his righteous offspring. Therefor, Aharon was included. Why else was Aharon mentioned in Tzav when he wasn't mentioned in other places.

Tzav #1- Bringing Bread?

In Parshat Tzav, 7:12 it says the following: יבאִם עַל תּוֹדָה יַקְרִיבֶנּוּ וְהִקְרִיב | עַל זֶבַח הַתּוֹדָה חַלּוֹת מַצּוֹת בְּלוּלֹת בַּשֶּׁמֶן וּרְקִיקֵי מַצּוֹת מְשֻׁחִים בַּשָּׁמֶן וְסֹלֶת מֻרְבֶּכֶת חַלֹּת בְּלוּלֹת בַּשָּׁמֶן: Translation: if he is bringing it as a thanksgiving offering, he shall offer, along with the thanksgiving offering unleavened loaves mixed with oil, unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and scalded flour mixed with oil. Q: Why for the thanksgiving offering, besides bringing an animal sacrifice, the donor must also bring four types of bread, and ten breads of each type, totaling forty loaves? The Netziv answers this by saying that the thanksgiving offering must be accompanied by a public celebration with many guests invited. Therefore, unlike the ordinary shelamim, the numerous loaves of bread are prescribed so that all the guests can partake of the meal. What are other reasons why the thanksgiving offering requires four types of bread?