Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Beshalach #1- Vayehi

The gemara (megilla 10b) says that the word “vayehi” (13:17) is usually used in a time of stress. The Jews were slaves for so long and eagerly wanted to be freed, so why does the pasuk say “vayehi”?
Even though Moshe begged Pharaoh to let the Jews go, he kept saying no until Hashem brought all the makkos. Even after all these miracles, some Jews gave thanks to Pharaoh for letting them go - not to Hashem. The pasuk therefore says “vayehi” to show how sad it is that even after all the suffering in Egypt and the miracles from Hashem, they still thanked Pharaoh for letting them go instead thanking Hashem. (aish.com)
Why else would the Torah use the word “Vayehi” here?


  1. According to Rabbi Meyer, the word ״ויהי״ does imply that the nation is stressed, however their stressed because they know that Hashem will lead them out of Egypt in a complex/different way than they know of. The fact that Bnei Yisrael won't know their way back to Mitzryim in a "just in case" situation, causes them fear and stress.

  2. According to the midrash rabba, the word "vayehi" is similar to the work "vey" (oy vey). This means "to cry out". The midrash explains that pharaoh cried out in anger because he had to let the Jews go.

  3. I think it is possible that they word vayehi could be used here to show Hashems point that He is trying to make clear to bnei yisroel by taking them in a different direction (even if it's further than the closest route). The words 'and it was' seem to be introducing something that should be of significance to the rest of the pasuk and in my opinion it is that although it was paraoh who let bnei yisroel go- Hashem played a HUGE role in that process and wanted to clarify that because the nation should not think that they were simply allowed to leave right away after the leader of Egypt made his decision. Along with this, some mefarshim have explained that Hashem took them in an indirect route that was longer because He knew that if even the slightest fear would sweep through he camp, Bnei Yisroel would run back to Egypt. I think there is a connection between the two. Hashem wanted to say ' and it was/behold' when paraoh let them out- showing that it was clearly after some time and convincing/torturing (with makkot)- to emphasize that bnei yisroel should not feel the desire to return to a place that the pharoah held them against their will until Hashem intervened and for that reason/fear, Hashem led them in an indirect route that took them further away from Mitzraim.

  4. Chabad.org explains the reason for the word vayehi is because Moshe begged Pharoah to let the Jews go and he refused many times-- yet when the Jews were finally freed, some jews thanked pharoah for letting them go.The torah is trying to portray the sad situation here with the word Vayehi since even after Hashem does all the amazing miracles, bnei yisrael dont recognize it and instead thank Phaorah who is the one who put them through all of the slavery and suffering.
    --Gabriela Beyda

  5. According to Rabbi Frand The gemara says that a pasuk starting with the word “Vayehi” always shows pain and suffering. Paroh says this in the pasuk because hes upset about having to free the jews and hes "suffering"

  6. According to the Midrash Rabbah, Benei Yisrael and Pharaoh are compared to a dove and a snake. Once Benei Yisrael escaped Egypt, their lives were still not easy. Just as as a dove does not get rest because the serpent is chasing her. Benei Yisrael spent years in the desert trying to find their home just like the dove flies around and looks to find a permanent resting place.

  7. According to Rashi, it is also said as a foreshadowing for later, when Israel will turn against Hashem and beg to go back to Egypt.
