Perek 18 pussuk 1 says:
״וישמע יתרו כהן מדין חתן משה את כל אשר עשה אלוהים למשה ולישראל עמו כי הוציא ה’ את ישראל ממצרים״
This pussuk gives a brief description of Yitro and mentions multiple descriptions of who he is and says that he heard a report describing all the things that Hashem did for Moshe and Bnei Yisrael. What report did Yitro hear that had such a tremendous effect on him and his perspective on Hashem and Bnei Yisrael? Rashi explains that he had heard about the splitting of the Yam Suf and the war Bnei Yisrael faced against Amalek. In addition to that question, why does the pussuk describe Yitro in so many different forms (כהן מדין, חתן משה…)? Isn’t it unnecessary?
Sforno explains that Yitro had heard about all that Hashem had done for Bnai Yisroel when He [Hashem] took them out of Egypt. Sforno explains this to include the plagues and the drowning of the Egyptian army. In fact, Sforno explains that hearing about all the great miracles is what prompted Yitro to travel into the desert himself as opposed to sending a messenger to accompany Tziporah and her children back to him.
ReplyDeleteRashbam says that Yitro saw that Hashem provided Moshe with such an awesome image in the eyes of Pharoh. Pharoh respected Moshe and never attempted to harm him. Regarding the different forms of description, Rashi says that each name was in order to portray something else about Yitro. Yeter was to say that through him there was a portion added to the torah. Yitro, Yeter with an added letter, was for when he became important and had a letter added to his name. Hobab was because of his love of torah. And Reuel means grandfather (then, people called their grandfather father).
ReplyDelete- Gabrielle Posner
In the Little Midrash Says, it mentions that Yitro heard about the great miracles Hashem performed at the splitting of the Yam Suf and during the battle against Amalek, and because of these miracles that proved to Yitro how great of a God He is, Yitro decided to join bnei Yisrael and to become a Jew. Bnei Yisrael greeted Yitro because they thought he was a great guest and Moshe continued to tell him the details of the miracles Hashem has performed for Bnei Yisrael. Yitro is described in so many ways to show who he is and was and what he was able to become. Yitro brought along his daughter Tziporah and her two sons to join Bnei Yisrael as well, and then describes how after hearing from Moshe about the miracles that Yitro decides then and there to get a Brit Milah. Describing who Yitro was and his family and the process of his knowledge on the whole idea of being a Jew and who Hashem is, was significant to show how outstanding and amazing a Jewish life is even to one who isn't Jewish and shows how others still notice the miracles performed by Hashem, but also gives an idea of the fact that maybe Yitro doesn't necessarily want to be a Jew, he just doesn't wants to be on the opposing side where the side you are fighting against are the Jews because he knows that God is on our side...mind blown and sneaky, I know.
ReplyDeleteIn this possuk it mentions yitro hears. Eben Ezra explains that yitro hears amalek. The last parsha ended with the fight of amalek, therefore now yitro is hearing amalek. I think this makes sense because yitro is hearing about what had just taken place and the fight of amalek had just happened. In the possuk when it describes who yitro is in different ways, I think it is necessary. It is simply just explaining who yitro is, it is not extra information because it says he is the cohen of midyan and he is the father in law of moshe. I think it is important to know if somebody is the father in law of a king.
ReplyDeleteLeora Adler
According to R. Elazar Hamodai, Yitro heard about the amazing miracle of Matan Torah.
ReplyDeleteRashi explains that the possuk takes time to say that Yitro is Moshe's father in law to display how Yitro was proud of his relationship with Moshe. He took pride in being able to say "I am the KIng's father in law". brings the Maggid Mesharim who explains that Yitro heard about the war against amalek through which yitro became aware that Yisroel ruled over sitra achara and for that reason came to shelter himself. Another explanation is written that Yitro heard about the splitting of the yam suf. It explains that before, Yotrothought that there were two gods. One god did evil, and one did good. After hearing of the yam suf splitting, he realized that the same god who drowned the mitzrim in the splitting of the sea also saved all of am yisroel at the same time, with the same event. This also connects to pasuk yud alef when it says "now I know that G‑d is greater than all the gods". Arielle Borger
ReplyDeleteRav Moshe Feinstein says in Drash Moshe, that what Yitro heard was the miracles that Hashem has done for the Jews; the war with Amalek, Matan Torah, Yam suf, and the Midbar. All the other nations heard these events, yet only Yitro was affected by them. These events inspired Yitro to join the jews. We see from here that to Yitro there was no difference in seeing or hearing an event, while the other nations there is no comparison between hearing and seeing, seeing is much more powerful than just hearing about something. The other nations heard the wonders that Hashem has done for the Jews, but it did not affect them, but Yitro, he had a wakeup call after hearing these miraculous events and was inspired by them.
ReplyDeleteRamban says he heard the three miracles. rashi says he heard the two miracles not including matan torah because Rashi maintains the order of the torah unlike ramban
ReplyDeleteThere are different opinions on what Yitro heard to make him convert to Judaism. Some say that he heard of mayan torah, and others say that he heard of the kriyat yam Suf. But everyone heard about these miraculous events and decided to stay at home. What made Yitro go all out and join the jewish people? Rabbi Eliyahu Lopian says that Yitro heard the news differently then everyone else. Everyone else heard the news and was inspired but took at face value and continued on with their lives. However, Yitro was always searching for truth and when he heard the news he immediately recognized the truth and decided to convert. Most people just listen and sometimes get inspired but rarely do anything about it. We should strive to be like Yitro who did not just listen but he heard and took action.
ReplyDeleteIn the time David and King Shlomo people often converted to Judaism not because of HaShem or the Torah, but to be a part of the glory of the Jewish nation. (An acceptation is when Shlomo took Bat Paroh as a wife)
However, when HaShem split the see it was known all over the world that HaShem was glorious. Goyim were fascinated by the glory of HaShem and his miraculous ways.
When Yitro wanted to convert it was obvious that he wasn't looking for the glory - he had that from being a "Kohen Midyan". Its also obvious that he wasnt afraid of the Jewish people because no one would dare harm the father in law of Moshe. Therefore, Yitro converted out of his love for Torah and Hashem.
Thats why it says both "Kohen Midyan" and "Choten Moshe" - because he wasnt looking for the glory or fear: he genuinely wanted to be a part of this special nation.
Rabbi shraga Simmons comments on rashi, who said that Yitro heard the splitting of the Red Sea and about the war with Amalek. But didn't everyone hear about these things? Why did the Torah single out yitro? Of course everyone heard about these but Yitro was a truth seeker, he was trying every type of spiritual path. He was honest with himself and committed to the truth. Therefor he was was open to its message. That's why the Torah singles him out.
ReplyDeleteesther brodsky
ReplyDeleteAccording to Rashbam Yitro heard that Hashem made Moshe into an awesome figure that Pharaoh feared and respected. says that Yitro is labeled with these names to show his growth, instead of just being the priest he now becomes the priest and Moshe's father in law, connecting himself to Moshe and distancing himself from his previous beliefs.